Welcome to the NEW!
Dog Agility Rescue League site

Logon Sign Up

This site is built on totally different technology to the old site which sadly means we are unable transfer over the user data from one site to another. You need to re-register yourself and dogs for this year only. If you keep your dogs KC name the same you will be able to seamlessly switch between the new and old sites for historic results. If not you will still be able to see your old results but may have to pick your dogs from the dropdown list. The biggest change is login has changed from surname to email address, this is to make the site more secure and less lightly to cyber attack. We are sorry for the inconvenience but you will only need to do this once, for future years your data will remain as before.
Please self register by clicking the sign up button. You can use this league to keep track of your standings for our annual awards and finals. Payment details will be emailed to you on registration. They also available here.
Thank you for your support.
This site is kindly sponsored by:
Darl Finals Major Sponsor: