Hooperholics League Points
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Jake  : Jack Russell Terrier
HANDLED BY: Sue  Hamer-moss   Small Veteran
 Mutley Crew July 2019
 Starters Mixed
 Mcdc Rexon 12/10/19
 Starters Mixed
 Mutley Crew Rexon Show 27/01/19
 Starters Hoops
 Mcdc Rexon 12/10/19
 Starters Hoops
 Mutley Crew Cornwall Sept 19
 Starters T&B
 Mutley Crew Rexon Show 27/01/19
 Starters Mixed
 Mutley Crew Blackdown June 2019
 Starters Mixed
 Mutley Crew
 Starters Mixed
 Mutley Crew Rexon Show 27/01/19
 Starters Hoops
 Mutley Crew Rexon Show 27/01/19
 Starters T&B
 Jumping Jacks June
 Starters Hoops
 Mutley Crew Blackdown June 2019
 Starters Mixed
 Mutley Crew July 2019
 Starters T&B
 Mutley Crew Cornwall Sept 19
 Starters T&B
 Mcdc Rexon 12/10/19
 Starters T&B
 Data Rexon 8/12
 Starters Hoops
 Data Rexon 8/12
 Starters T&B
 Mcdc Rexon 12/10/19
 Starters Hoops
 Data Rexon 8/12
 Starters Mixed
 Mutley Crew
 Starters T&B
 Mutley Crew Blackdown June 2019
 Starters T&B
Total number of points =355
Hooperholics UK