Senior League Dogs Rosette board
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Southlorn Dejays Octaglen
Quadpaws UKA-Steeplechase Jumping Adams Oct KC-Grade 6 Agility Hare-n-hounds KC-Steeplechase Jumping Adams Oct KC-Grade 6 Combined Agility Stonebridge KC-Steeplechase Jumping Hare-n-hounds KC-Veteran Agility
Adams Oct KC-Grade 6 Jumping Hare-n-hounds KC-Grade 6 Agility Stonebridge KC-Grade 6 Jumping Hare-n-hounds KC-Grade 6 Jumping Hare-n-hounds KC-Grade 6 Agility Prestbury Park KC-Grade 6 Agility
Hare-n-hounds KC-Grade 6 Jumping Prestbury Park KC-Grade 6 Combined Games Southam KC-Grade 6 Agility Adams Oct KC-Grade 6 Combined Jumping Stonebridge KC-Grade 6 Agility Stonebridge KC-Grade 6 Jumping
Hare-n-hounds KC-Grade 6 Jumping Hare-n-hounds KC-Grade 6 Agility Stonebridge KC-Grade 6 Jumping Stonebridge KC-Steeplechase Jumping Hare-n-hounds KC-Grade 6 Jumping Hare-n-hounds KC-Grade 6 Jumping
Hare-n-hounds KC-Steeplechase Jumping Adams Oct KC-Power and Speed Combined Agility Prestbury Park KC-Grade 6 Jumping Prestbury Park KC-Grade 6 Jumping Southam KC-Grade 6 Agility Southam KC-Grade 6 Combined Agility
Southam KC-Grade 6 Combined Agility Adams Oct KC-Grade 6 Combined Agility Hare-n-hounds KC-Grade 6 Agility